Virtualization and modernization of core network
Problem:A leading mobile operator suffered from its outdated mobile network, which was not able to support the next waves of technologies. Around 100 network elements had to be swapped and modernized as quickly as possible, while fighting both the complexity of multi-vendor equipment and an outdated core network.
Solution:EXI’s broach technological expertise allowed it to handle the multi-vendor equipment and upgrade the core network to a unified hard- and software system. EXI fastened the modernization process by conducting swapping and commissioning activities in parallel, while including a trusted external partner to expand the available workforce.
Result:The network modernization enabled the client to upgrade its services and simultaneously set up its network for future upgrades and technologies. EXI managed to install, test and integrate all roughly 100 network elements in only 9 months, limiting the network downtimes and fastening the project.